More about The Impact of WikiAfrica
WikiAfrica was started in 2006 as a collaboration between Wikimedia IT and lettera27, since then – via the support of several organisations and the work of a few people – it has grown to embrace the continent and build communities. It has been pivotal in driving the current contributions done by communities across sub-Saharan Africa.
The Wiki Africa movement timeline 2006-2017
The projects detailed below form the main backbone of the WikiAfrica movement. They have all been conceptualised, instigated and led by three members of Wiki In Africa, although until 2017 through the agency or fiscal sponsorship of different organisations.
- WikiAfrica is launched by lettera27 Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia, led by Iolanda Pensa.
- A 30’000 African contributions to Wikimedia projects by 2012 milestone is set.
- The Africa Centre begins working on WikiAfrica projects, led by Isla Haddow-Flood.
- Share Your Knowledge is launched to involve cultural institutions in contributing to the WikiAfrica milestone.
- The OpenAfrica15, a week-long WIR training course training 6 Wikipedians across Africa at the Goethe-Institut in Johannesburg.
- 2015. The second edition of Wiki Loves Africa photographic competition is held and completed under the theme Cultural Fashion and Adornment.
- Wiki In Africa is registered as an NGO in South Africa.
- Official launch of WikiFundi, a software that provides off-line editing environment that mimics the Wikipedia environment.
- #16WikiWomen translation drive is held to celebrate International Women’s Day for Wiki Loves Women.
WikiAfrica projects across Africa since 2013

Hosts and Partners
The organisations that have hosted or are collaborating on Wiki Africa projects include:
Credit: This website is managed and run by Wiki In Africa in order to ensure all contributions to WikiAfrica are recorded.